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How to transfer a nuc of bees into a full size hive:


o ensure a smooth transition for your bees, follow these steps carefully when transferring the nucleus colony into its permanent hive:

  • Prepare the Hive

    • Ensure your hive is clean, in good condition, and ready to receive the bees. Position it in a sheltered location with the entrance facing a suitable direction, typically south or southeast.

    • Install frames with foundation or drawn comb in the hive, leaving space for the frames from the nuc box.

  • Place the Nuc Box

    • Position the nuc box next to or directly on the hive stand. Allow the bees some time to adjust to their new surroundings, especially if you’ve transported them a long distance.

    • Open the entrance of the nuc box to allow the bees to orient themselves before beginning the transfer process. It is normally best to leave then for a couple of days if you have an appropriate nuc box.

  • Open the Nuc Box

    • Carefully remove the lid and inspect the frames for activity and the queen’s presence. Handle the frames gently to avoid damaging the bees or queen.

    • Note the order of the frames in the nuc box, as it’s important to maintain this arrangement when transferring to the hive.

  • Transfer the Frames

    • One by one, lift each frame from the nuc box and place it into the hive in the same order. Hold the frames steady to avoid disturbing the bees unnecessarily.

    • Ensure the queen is safely transferred to the hive. If you spot her, take extra care when handling that frame.

  • Inspect and Adjust

    • After transferring all the nuc frames, fill any remaining space in the hive with your prepared frames of foundation or drawn comb. Push the frames together gently to ensure there are no large gaps, which can lead to burr comb formation.

    • Place the crown board and roof back onto the hive.

  • Allow the Bees to Settle

    • Leave the bees undisturbed for several days to adjust to their new hive. Avoid conducting unnecessary inspections during this period to reduce stress.

  • Provide Feed and Monitor

    • Provide a sugar syrup feed (1:1 ratio) in a feeder placed inside the hive to support the bees as they establish themselves. Ensure they have access to clean water nearby.

  • Inspect After a Week

    • After about a week, conduct a gentle inspection to check the queen’s activity, brood development, and food stores. This will give you a good indication of how well the colony is settling into its new home.

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